Authenticity and Provenance

Authenticity Guaranteed

The objects that we offer for sale are to our best experience and knowledge high quality, authentic and guaranteed as described. Originally made and used by the indigenous people and not made for resale to the tourist or decorative market. Authenticity does not necessarily mean higher prices, but instead, things that have history, soul and character completely different from those made strictly for sale. Just as the collector, we hold a zero-tolerance policy for forgeries.

All items offered for sale on our website and our physical gallery are purchased from legitimate sources. These include old private collections, international auction houses, institutions, museum deaccession collections, and responsible fellow dealers within tribal and ancient art market. Göta's world attaches great importance to the provenance of artworks, and never go on trips of acquisition to the countries of origin.

If you have any questions on authenticity or provenance please contact us or call us +358 408408352 so we can answer any questions or doubts you may have.